Care for your dog


Canine Health Care Recommendations

We recommend yearly examinations to evaluate your dog’s their overall health and provide preventive recommendations to help keep your dog as healthy and happy as possible. 


Below are health care guidelines for dogs. Please schedule an appointment so we can help keep your dog as healthy as possible.

Annual Physical Exam for Health Maintenance

Vaccinations: Canine Distemper / Hepatitis / Parainfluenza / Parvovirus / Leptospirosis, Bordetella (Kennel Cough), Rabies (1st vaccine to be boostered annually, then every 3 years afterwards), Lyme, Canine Influenza

Annual Heartworm Test and Year-Round Preventative

Fecal Examinations to Evaluate for Intestinal Parasites

Parasite Control & Prevention (fleas, ticks, intestinal worms)

Heartworm Prevention

Dental Care and Cleaning

Spaying (females) & Neutering (males)

Senior Check-Up with Bloodwork (7 years and older)

Evaluation of any abnormal symptoms including signs of arthritis such as lameness, trouble walking or jumping up, unexplained weight loss or weight gain, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, weakness, not eating, bad breath, trouble breathing, trouble urinating, bloody urine, itching, hair loss, and/or house soiling accidents.

Here is a pre-appointment questionnaire that you can may fill out and email back or bring with you to your appointment.

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